Create a Workflow

You can run your workbook on batch data with our Workflows. To do this, your workbook must contain parameters (either global parameters or local parameters). See Parametrize your Workbook for more details on parameters.

Create Workflow

Select dropdown under Run All and select Run Workflow in Batch.

Upload data

You can upload the input data (feeds into parameters) via JSON or csv. Every column should align with a parameter referenced in the workbook.

Data limits

  • Free Tier: You can run 5 rows of input data per workflow. You will also have a healthy consumption limit for API calls before being prompted to upgrade to the growth tier.

  • Growth Tier: You can run 50 rows of input data per workflow. You have unlimited consumption limit for API calls.

If you have specific use cases where you'd like to run even more data through your workflow, please contact us at

Run Workflow

After your data is uploaded, you are ready to Run Batch. You will receive this message:

Where do I access the results of my workflow?

See the next section - Manage your Workflow.

Last updated