Intro to Models

The Models page contains all the generative AI models available through LastMile AI. These include both standard models and custom models.

Standard Models

We currently support the following models:

  • GPT-3.5-Turbo (ChatGPT) - A large language model (LLM) by OpenAI that is capable of generating human-like responses based on given prompts.

  • GPT-4 - Similar to ChatGPT, an LLM that is capable of generating human-like responses based on given prompts. GPT4 generally has higher quality responses on more complex tasks at the expense of slower speed.

  • Bark - A speech synthesis model (TTS) developed by SunoAI that generates realistic sounding voices from text.

  • Whisper - An automatic speech recognition system developed by OpenAI that transcribes audio into text

  • PaLm - An LLM developed by Google for language tasks such as classification, summarization, and entity extraction.

  • PaLm Chat - An LLM by Google that is fine tuned for multi-turn chat

  • DALL-E 2 - An image generation model developed by OpenAI that creates unique images from textual descriptions

  • Stable Diffusion v1.5 - An image generation (diffusion) model that can generate high quality images in a stable manner if provided with a seed

Custom Models

Custom models are models that you created on LastMile AI by adding your own data to a supported model. All custom models are only accessible to the user who creates it. Custom models can be configured inside workbooks to use any of the following chatGPT models:

  • GPT 3.5 Turbo

  • GPT 3.5 Turbo 16k

  • GPT 4

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