Evaluation and guardrails are 2 sides of the same coin
Guardrails are just evaluators that run online. If you could detect a hallucination fast enough, why not catch that in the application's runtime and prevent the issue from surfacing to the user?
Because AutoEval models are fast (< 300ms on CPU and < 10ms on GPU) and cheap to operate (1/1000th the size of GPT-4), you can run them on every response as a guardrail without compromising on user experience.
Coming soon: Trust and safety features that allow you to provision guardrail endpoints and set appropriate thresholds for pass/fail.
Usage Guide
Use the API to compute metrics in the application runtime:
- python
- node.js
from lastmile.lib.auto_eval import AutoEval, Metric
import pandas as pd
def guard(input, output, context, metric: Metric, threshold=0.5) -> bool:
client = AutoEval(api_token="api_token_if_LASTMILE_API_TOKEN_not_set")
result = client.evaluate_data(
"input": [input],
"output": [output],
"ground_truth": [context]
score = result[f"{}_score"][0]
return score >= threshold
# Define a faithfulness guardrail:
input="Where did the author grow up?",
import { AutoEval, Metric } from "lastmile/lib/auto_eval";
async function guard(
input: string,
output: string,
context: string,
metric: Metric,
threshold: number = 0.5
): Promise<boolean> {
const client = new AutoEval({
apiKey: "api_token_if_LASTMILE_API_TOKEN_not_set",
// Evaluate the data
const result = await client.evaluateData(
/*data*/ [
"input": input,
"output": output,
"ground_truth": context
// Extract the score
const scoreColumnName = `${}_score`;
const score = result[0][scoreColumnName];
// Return whether the score meets the threshold
return score >= threshold;
const faithfulnessMetric: Metric = { name: "Faithfulness" };
const isFaithful = await guard(
/*input*/ "Where did the author grow up?",
/*output*/ "France",
/*context*/ "England",
console.log(`Is the response faithful? ${isFaithful}`);
Fine-tune a custom guardrail
You can build your own input/output guardrail models using the fine-tuning service. For example, you can define a custom input guardrail that determines if the input is relevant to the purpose of the application, and denies irrelevant requests.
Follow this guide for a detailed walkthrough:
Real-time guardrails>
Build real-time guardrails in a RAG application using fine-tuned alBERTa 🍁 models.